Leave the server management to us so you can Enjoy peace of mind. In this digital era, interruption to your online business presence proves very expensive. Inadequate management of your servers, backups or storage may result in failures or delays, directly impacting the availability of your business to users online.
Scheduled and Automated security updates, fixes and more to avoid hackers in your machine.
Any issue, any time, you are always protected and a tech will be assisting you very quickly.
We trust so much on our network and power lines, that we offer you a 100% Uptime SLA.
Need even more? We can setup multiple servers failover for your mission critical applications.
Backing up data at regular intervals to remote FTP or NAS, ensure your data is always safe.
Identifying potential security risks, spammers, hacked webs and more, is part of our managed service.
Our Web Hosting and Reseller plans, are packed with features that not only secures every website, but also isolates each one in their own virtual filesystem, so no one else but you can see and access your files.
Apache ModSecurity runs always up to date, to protect websites from hackers.
Per-user FS that encapsulates each customer preventing from seeing each other sensitive information.
PHP selector with specially hardened old and new versions of PHP.
Realtime and daily Antivirus scan of all files stored and uploaded to your account.
Fully featured control panel, allows you secure even more your website.
Complete Firewall and Login Failure daemons, prevents attacks and bruteforce.
Not only for disaster recovery, backups are very usefull on all times, human error of overwriting a file, or deleting a database, can be fixed easily by using our backup system.
All account will have a weekly and daily backups available, two versions where you can find the files you need to restore at any time.
Backups runs every other day, keeping the last daily backup, plus another weekly backup for every account on the servers.
You can do partial or complete restores from the Control Panel, or you can contact support for a more selective restore.
You can download your backups at any time from Control Panel, so you can have more versions of your website over time.
All hosting plans, came with a complete email package, with all features you may ever need.
Some of the email features you will find on our service:
24/7 Server Monitoring, ensures always the maximun performance, reducing problems in the shorter possible time.
With more than 99.9% uptime in the last 15 years, you can be sure your business is on good hands with us.
Our partner, CloudFlare, will help your website to run faster. Distribute your content around the world so it’s closer to your visitors (speeding up your site).
Integrated in our Control Panel, you can have free access to one of the most powerfull CDN on the world.
"You guys are just so amazing!! I know you are probably sick of hearing it but I have never been so pleased with a service since I started web publishing in 1995."
"I have been an CAS Networks customer, for about 7 years now, and couldn't be more satisfied. Over the years I have needed assistance with my domains and accounts on many occasions (due to my own ignorance about how some things work), and I very quickly discovered that they go FAR above and beyond anything I would expect when it comes to customer service."
"I couldn't ask for better service, and I just wanted to say once again how much I appreciate you."
“We love the site and you did a fabulous job.. Can’t thank you enough. Cheap good and fast usually does not exist but you provided all three!”
"I have been working with CAS Networks over the past +15 years, our business relationship turned into a great friendship many years ago. He has always demonstrated precise analysis and solid execution. I always have been very impressed with his high level professional, ethical and transparent posture. "
"My hosting runs thanks to cascompany since more than 10 years, and I strongly recommend cascompany for anybody who need a business partner he can count on at any time!"
"Choosing to work with CAS Networks has been one of the best, most profitable busniess decisions my company has made. There are a lot of hosting outfits to choose from, but we've never encountered anyone who works with us so intensely to insure that all of our needs are met, and we really can't thank you enough for that. "
"Very nice, tech support team is accurate and the hosting packages offered are robust and full-featured, you are proactive in making sure that we are satisfied with your services, we would like to applaud you for being one of the few companies we truly enjoy working with."
"You folks have been so good to us and your service is remarkable! We truly are thankful to you and your staff. We also, Lord willing, hope to spend many more years enjoying your great service."
"I'm extremely happy with your service and support. You folks answer questions promptly (billing, sales or support) and the tech support is far better than what I see from other hosts. The fact that I've had my site for almost a year without any crashs or down time is very impressive."
"Wow! You guys are fast! I am really impressed. Much thanks again for offering such a good deal on hosting services. I look forward to a continued long business relationship with your company."
"I'd like to thank you for a long partnership with outstanding customer service every time I deal with you - this is why I continue to recommend you guys and don't use anyone else for any of my websites or domain names! Keep up the excellent work!"
"I was just talking about a problem that I had with the cPanel on my Server. You were very pleasant and helpful and fixed my problem very quickly. I really appreciate the tech support that you guys provide. You are definitely the best hosting service on the internet."
"Ariel has an amazing capacity for design and web, he proved to have endless techniques for handing computer tools, very competitive at work and guarantee of good service and quality in what he does. Come on, see it in action is a privilege I had, and still learning about him."
"We work with CAS Networks since a few years, its easy to see they are on the market for very long time already, and trying to always give the best possible product. Congrats."
"Ariel is a very talented designer and technician that has a clear vision and sense of accomplishment, and can give concrete results and reach tight goals"
"Working with CAS Networks, always a pleasure. They even helped me on Teamviewer to setup my email accounts, this is not seen anything else."
"We started our ecommerce business 5 years ago from scratch with CAS company. We don’t know how we could have done it without them!"